Yesterday was a veritable smorgasboard of overdubbing, singing, and fat-assed-couch-sitting. We worked primarily on Bar in the Back of the Basement, which is a spastic, minor-key, cow-punk song. Overdubs consisted of some acoustics, clapping, guitars, and this reverby Rhodes thing that sounded kind of like a broken Russian music box. All that minor-keying made think evil thoughts. None were spared. We also managed to squeeze in some vocals for the above-mentioned tune, a few backrounds for Balcony, and some banjo for an acoustic one we used to play live all the time. It sounds kind of, I don't know, civil war-y? Sure. Let's stick with that.
Moving along. Today, an old friend is stopping by and we may again venture into the outside world. This frightens us all. I'm well into a winter beard (out of sheer laziness, I assure you, because I look like a hobo) and I think Zach has been wearing those pants for three months. In other words, we look crazy. Keep your children away.
As always, more later.

1 comment:
Hey Dave, it's Mike Levy. I look forward to seeing you guys on the 30th. At least, that's the plan for now. Keep up the good work, I can't wait to hear it when it's done.
Take care and tell the guys I say hi.
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