Monday, April 03, 2006

Angry Addendum

Remember when I told you I wiped San Jose from my memory? Well, it turns out we got a parking ticket while we were loading up our car. Or rather, my girlfriend's car, since we were sans van at that juncture. Did I receive this ticket in person? No. Was I told I was getting one? No. So, to the DPT guy who gave it to us: go make out with a cheese-grater, you little bitch.


Anonymous said...

Ester says quit the bitchin and go help some customers....people read this crapp???....hahah....with Love...THe Flop Box Vagbond Kid..a.k.a Double Dealer..a.k.a..Hornswoggler....ergghhh...

birdmonster said...

Austin: You're too tall to be on the computer. Please sit down.