Friday, January 27, 2006

Calamity Strikes

I tried to post yesterday, Really, I did. Circumstances outside my control, however, prevented your Thursday reading. Say a prayer for the birdvan.

So I left the house yesterday around 2, hoping to go to the bank and my girlfriend's mom's house to say hello, then scoot on home for a long half day of recording. It was the perfect plan, really. At first, getting out of the house was nice, and the smoggy sunshine was doing me good. Then, somewhere on the 134, the van started clicking. Then, the heat gauge went from "moderately warm" to "goddamn volcano" in the span of about a quarter mile. After finally making it to my destination, AutoZone was visited, and cheap-ass radiator fixes were bought: aluminum powder called "Stop-Leak" and some crazy-ass putty if I was able to find to putty. Helped by Michael & Emily (thanks you two), the radiator got a quick dosage of aluminum and the leak seemed to stop. All for two bucks. Of course, at this point, it was 10 at night. Drat. And, naturally, when I was two miles from home, the radiator shat out again and the van devolved from sensible bird transport into rolling biohazard. Several showers later, I still smell coolant.

But, well, it had to happen sometime. As the old saying goes: "The only problem with buying an 800 dollar is that you have an 800 dollar van." For now, let us concentrate on good things.

Like yesterday. Almost every single guitar was finished in my absence. They were either re-amped, honed, re-played, or just kept as was. In fact, everything I hear this morning is just barely different than when I left and much better. Actually, every instrument is slowly sounding exactly as it should and we're honing on the sound this album will have. Mixing and some singing and Rhodes still remain, but the finish line is now apparent. When all's said and done, this is going to be a really damn fine CD. It sounds full and live and fun, which is what we were trying to do when we came down here. Not to toot our own horns or anything but...



Anonymous said...

With the bmonster van our of service how will the bmonster band get back to san francisco?

P.S. If you go to a car shop again take Pete's car too.

Jim Tenuto said...

The birdvan is dead! Long live the birdvan?

Any news on SD?

birdmonster said...

peter's car is a golden chariot!

birdmonster said...

peter's car is a golden chariot!

Anonymous said...

No, it is merely the protege of a golden chariot.